Tuesday, October 11

Goh Lee Kwang 【Back2Bed - 不安于室】

Goh Lee Kwang 【Back2Bed - 不安于室】
Herbal Concrete Disc 1604

1.FOUR - 四 05:51
2.Italiano Calvino Invisible Cities - 卡爾維諾 看不見的城市 08:25
3.No Beat - 節拍無 19:30
4.The Rolling Stoner - 頑石點頭 16:58
5.Tanah Air - My Land - 土生土長 15:58

Goh Lee Kwang: guitars, electronic, etc.

Recorded at various locations (art space, open air park, bedrooms).
Composed, mixed and mastered at Studio Up The Hill and Studio Down The Hill.
November 2012 - December 2015.

Illustration: Chin Yew, Artist Crisis (on going)

Audio CD, 6 panels digipak
60 minutes+
Release date: November 2016
12 Euros + shipping order

Buy digital

Also by Goh Lee Kwang 
2015 Pukul Berapa? (with Julien Ottavi)
2014 FINDARS (with Tim Blechmann)
2013 逆耳New Ear
2011 反之亦然 _, and Vice Versa
2011 The Lost Testimony of Rashomon
2009 推敲琢磨Hands
2008 Draw Sound (Drawing book with 3"CD)
2007 Good Vibrations
2005 Punk Guitar... with bonus track!!
2005 DRONE (with Tim Blechmann)
2004 Internal Pleasures
2002 神經中樞Nerve Center